Toyotarou, co-creator of Dragon Ball Super, releases brand-new artwork of two forgotten Dragon Ball Z characters from the ...
Future Trunks had a satisfying arc in Dragon Ball Z, but Super unraveled his story, making his hard-won victory meaningless ...
Dragon Ball Daima has finally made Super Saiyan 4 canon, but its weird handling of things has made it a major point of ...
Dragon Ball Daima has been criticized for its poor handling of Dragon Ball's canon, but it's far too good for that to be a ...
On March 1, 2025, exactly one year after Akira Toriyama's passing, the 20th and final episode of Dragon Ball Daima was released. For various reasons, the series had sparked great hopes among fans, ...
Dragon Ball DAIMA shows Goku unlocking the enigmatic SSJ4 form but leaves subtle hints to make up for the inconsistencies.
Dragon Ball Daima, and all of its many questions, might revolve around Goku, but the series actually captures Vegeta's growth ...
Most fans have been focusing on one dynamic duo, but Dragon Ball Daima just definitively proved who the best pair is in the ...
Adult Super Saiyan 4 Goku vs King Gomah Fight is the END of Dragon Ball Daima. Did we see Fusion in Dragon Ball Daima or Gohan in Dragon Ball Daima? Dragon Ball Daima's Final episode has premiered!
Dragon Ball Daima gave Goku the iconic Super Saiyan 4 Kamehameha, an attack so powerful that it almost broke the Demon Realm.
Dragon Ball Daima has a perfect opportunity to prove its place in the canon timeline and bring back the super-anime series.
When it comes to power couples in Dragon Ball history, Vegeta and Bulma might be at the top of the list. While couples like ...