Regional communities across NSW are set to benefit from new Key Health Worker Accommodation which will help attract more paramedics to the bush.
A significant heritage building in the historic Lock Up complex in the heart of Newcastle has been given a face-lift thanks to a $70,000 grant from the NSW Government.
The Minns Labor Government has launched the latest round of the NSW Social Cohesion Grants for Local Government designed to enhance councils’ ability to prevent and respond to hate.
The Minns Labor Government is delivering on its election commitment to tackle pest and weed infestations between neighbouring public and private lands across the state through its $10 million ...
The Minns Labor Government is slashing red tape to get more homes built faster across the state, unveiling a clear blueprint to speed up approvals and ensure new properties are connected and ready to ...
The Minns Labor Government has announced Yours and Owls Festival on 1 and 2 March will be the first music festival to participate in New South Wales pill testing trial.
The Minns Labor Government is continuing work to build better regional communities by undertaking vital upgrades to the XPT rail fleet which services Grafton and other regional centres across the ...
The Minns Labor Government is continuing work to create a safer New South Wales by taking a whole of community approach to addressing domestic and family violence, with Men’s Behaviour Change Programs ...
“The Strata and Property Services Taskforce is improving the NSW Government’s oversight of real estate and strata managing agents by bringing together new and existing specialist staff across Fair ...
The Minns Government is providing Aboriginal businesses and organisations with business investment, skills development and training opportunities that will help them attract new customers, expand ...
Many organisations use shared service arrangements for common administrative or support tasks. The aims of shared service arrangements include: the consolidation of corporate services better use of ...
Communities in Griffith, Deniliquin and Lake Cargelligo are set to benefit from new Key Worker Accommodation which will help attract, recruit and retain more healthcare workers to the region.