Non-Executive Vice Chairman of NAT, Alexander Hansson, has today bought 100,000 shares at $2.4975 per share. He is now holding 4,200,000 shares. Following this transaction, the Hansson family owns ...
SATO has today published its 2024 sustainability report, which brings together our sustainability targets, the measures implemented over the past year, and the results achieved.
We have now agreed to acquire a sister vessel, from the same owner, also built in 2016 at the same South-Korean yard. This vessel will be delivered to NAT within April this year. The price to NAT is ...
Toivo Group Plc continues its strategy-driven growth by investing in the development of its employees and recruiting skilled professionals to support the company’s long-term objectives. The company’s ...
“Yoshiharu Ikeda has spent decades advancing organizations within the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group, and we are thrilled to welcome him as new CEO of Primetals Technologies,” says Satoru Iijima.
On March 10, the 3rd White Tea Trading Conference and Fuding White Tea Industry Promotion Week was staged in Fuding, co-sponsored by the China Tea Marketing Association and the Fuding Municipal People ...
The Finnish food experience company Fazer introduces three new protein snacks powered by Solein®, presenting them in the Future Food-Tech event in San Francisco. Based on the feedback received through ...
Inderesin ekonomisti Marianne Palmu haluaa investoida epävarmana aikana omiin unelmiin. Vetoja. Ekonomisti Marianne Palmun ...
Helsingin pörssi paransi nousuaan pitkin perjantaipäivää ja sulkeutui lopulta 1,02 prosenttia plussalla 10540,68 pisteeseen.
Venäjän siviili-ilmailun tutkimuslaitos GosNIIAS on laittanut alkuun työn Antonov An-26 -potkuriturbiinikoneen käyttöiän ...
Nasdaq kirii yli kahden prosentin nousussa. Perjantaina Wall Streetillä kaupankäynti käynnistyi selvissä nousutunnelmissa, ja ...
Wall Streetillä osakeindeksit avasivat perjantain kaupankäynnin selvässä nousussa. Torstaina indeksit olivat sulkeutuneet ...