The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant’s radiation levels have significantly dropped since the cataclysmic meltdown in ...
Tokyo, March 10 (Jiji Press)--Soil from radiation decontamination work after the 2011 nuclear reactor meltdowns in Fukushima Prefecture should be disposed of outside the northeastern Japan ...
Earlier decontamination work reduced those radiation levels to a fraction of what they used to be. In late August, small groups took turns doing their work helping the robot in 15- to 30-minute ...
Radiation levels are still dangerously high inside the No. 2 reactor building, where the melted fuel debris is behind a thick concrete containment wall. Earlier decontamination work reduced those ...
Radiation levels are still dangerously high inside the No. 2 reactor building, where the melted fuel debris is behind a thick concrete containment wall. Earlier decontamination work reduced those ...