Wie viel Ruhegehalt der Kanzler bekommt, hängt von der Dauer der Amtszeit ab. Die Amtsbezüge von Olaf Scholz sehen wie folgt aus: Er bekommt nach dem Bundesministergesetz 1 2/3 des Grundgehalts ...
Chancellor Olaf Scholz conceded defeat for his center-left Social Democrats after what he called “a bitter election result.” Projections for ARD and ZDF public television showed his party ...
At the Munich Security Conference, Olaf Scholz accused the U.S. vice president of unacceptable interference in Germany’s coming elections. transcript At the Munich Security Conference ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Opposition Leader Friedrich Merz faced off in a final debate on German television on Wednesday ahead of elections next Sunday. During the debate the candidates ...