FILE - Election posters showing German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, right ... s economy Jose Riveiro presents case amid intense Orlando Pirates schedule NASA scientist develops fuel-free space rocket ...
Out of the full party list, his top-ranked were the Pirates, who campaign for online ... The haste was due to the collapse of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government in November and the announcement ...
Elsewhere, Hungary risks peacekeeping role in Bosnia with Dodik support; Rudolf ‘Hunter’ Huliak becomes Slovakia’s new sports minister; Polish doctors suspended over notorious incident to withhold ...
With Friedrich Merz's CDU/CSU union coming on top of the election, coalition talks will come next. Merz seemed keen to get to work right away, saying that "the world isn't waiting for us." Follow DW f ...
Moritz Warnke writes that snap elections saw stunning gains for left and right, while Ines Schwerdtner and Jan van Aken dissect Die Linke’s remarkable comeback.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Opposition Leader Friedrich Merz faced off in a final debate on German television on Wednesday ahead of elections next Sunday. During the debate the candidates ...
Bundeskanzler Scholz will sich "der Realität stellen". Er fordert drei Maßnahmen, um in die Verteidigung zu investieren. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz will nach Aussagen aus den USA zur ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has not ordered a state of emergency in Germany over the US’s bilateral peace negotiations with Russia, despite the claim spreading widely across social platforms.
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) will juristisch auf einen Bericht des »Focus« reagieren, wonach er den Berliner Kultursenator Joe Chialo (CDU) auf einer Feier rassistisch beleidigt haben soll.
Olaf Scholz soll Berlins Kultursenator Joe Chialo beleidigt haben Dem Kanzler wird Rassismus vorgeworfen Auch gegenüber Journalisten soll Scholz ausfällig geworden sein Scholz und Chialo ...
Wie viel Ruhegehalt der Kanzler bekommt, hängt von der Dauer der Amtszeit ab. Die Amtsbezüge von Olaf Scholz sehen wie folgt aus: Er bekommt nach dem Bundesministergesetz 1 2/3 des Grundgehalts ...