A humpback whale briefly engulfed a kayaker off the coast of Chile in an incident caught on camera. Experts say it couldn't have swallowed him even if it wanted to.
Humpback whales cannot physically eat a person due to their incredibly small throats and all their food is filtered through the baleen plates in their mouths which are in place of teeth.
Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae ... which means that they have a structure called a baleen instead of teeth. A baleen is a fascinating modification of their upper gums.
A humpback whale briefly swallowed a 24-year-old kayaker ... pointing to their narrow esophagus and lack of teeth. The Strait of Magellan is a popular tourist destination due to its outdoor ...
REHOBOTH BEACH, De. - A humpback whale died after washing up at Delaware Seashore State Park Thursday morning. FOX 5 received pictures and videos of the whale from a Delaware photographer, Jen ...
Humpback whales feed by quickly lunging through a school ... the fringed plates they have inside their mouths instead of teeth. "I'm sure it closes its eyes so it doesn't get damaged by anything ...