Is another shooting civil war inevitable? Leftists don’t believe in God, at least the traditional God of America, the one of Judeo-Christian heritage. Each Leftist creates his/her own “god ...
We’ll start with Civil War, since it was first. Written by Mark Millar with art by Steve McNiven, Civil War kicked off with a literal bang, as the New Warriors, a group of has-been youmg heroes ...
Given how lastingly influential Civil War was on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not to mention how it remains generally beloved, it’s incredible to remember that this particular Captain America ...
More than 400 lots of antiques, artwork, sculptures, porcelain, bronze, sterling silver, art glass, estate jewelry, Chinese works and decorative arts will all come up for bid at an auction scheduled ...
"Pope Francis' voice is of vital importance for all the world because he's the only authority who speaks of peace, who condemns war, all the wars under way starting with Ukraine," La Repubblica ...
In 2015, Eijk helped pen “Eleven Cardinals Speak on Marriage and the Family: Essays from a Pastoral Viewpoint,” which staunchly opposed Francis’ endorsement of civil remarriages in the case ...