"Apple Cider Vinegar" tells story of Belle Gibson, a real influencer who pretended to have brain cancer. But where is she and the other characters now?
Dever has won praise for her virtuosic performance in Netflix's latest true-crime hit, which tells the story of the disgraced wellness guru.
W atching Netflix’s Apple Cider Vinegar can feel like you’ve ventured into the pit of a misinformation cesspool and are ...
10 years after she admitted "none of it was true" Belle Gibson's story is now being retold and dramatized in Netflix's newest ...
A decade after Belle Gibson admitted 'none of it was true,' her story is now being retold by Netflix in 'Apple Cider Vinegar' ...
Her name was Natalie Dal-Bello. She sadly died of multiple sclerosis in 2017 – about two years after Belle’s fake cancer scam ...
In the series the character of Clive is a big part of Belle's life. We first meet Clive, played by Ashley Zukerman, in episode two of the series. Clive and Belle quickly begin a romantic relationship ...
The show is also an indictment of the cult-like, often rubbish-like, world of wellness influencers on social media.
Belle Gibson's posts about her battle with cancer touched the lives of millions. But she never had cancer and her whole 'alternative medicine' narrative was the basis of a massive scam ...
"How much [money] has been made from all of this? Is any going to the victims or any of the charities that were impacted?" ...
Netflix's Apple Cider Vinegar follows influencer Belle Gibson who faked a cancer diagnosis and claimed diet changes cured her ...
Netflix premiered Apple Cider Vinegar in February 2025 and shed light on the extensive scam the wellness influencer Belle Gibson pulled off. Directed by Jeffrey Walker, the fictional take on Belle ...