Millions of student loan borrowers are struggling to keep up with their monthly bills now that payments are required again.
One Trump-voting student-loan borrower is disappointed to lose cheaper payments: "They're just going to leave everybody to ...
If you're enrolled in any income-driven repayment plan and reach the end of your repayment term, Rubin said you'll be placed ...
Student loan borrowers are left in limbo after the Trump administration removed online applications for income-driven ...
Many borrowers fell behind on their debt and saw credit scores tumble after the end of a grace period that was meant to help ...
President Donald Trump’s administration has removed online applications for income-driven repayment (IDR) plans, which ...
As an ongoing lawsuit threatens the existence of some income-driven repayment (IDR) plans and House Republicans aim to cut ...
While federal leaders had promised there will be little to no changes to how student loans and grants are handled, some ...