Naz & Maalik' still has much to say through its captivating story of growing up young, Black, and queer in America.
There are early examples of films made in Hollywood, too, before the Hays Code was adopted in 1930, that featured LGBTQ+ ...
"Original and unpredictable rom-coms have found a strong and engaged audience," say producers Kate Forrest and Myrthin Stagg ...
A sex worker from Brooklyn meets and marries the son of a Russian oligarch. However, her Cinderella-esque story is threatened as her new in-laws set to get the marriage annulled. Set in 1970s New ...
30,000 fans. 300 cops. 1 serial killer. No escape.
There are a lot of free movies available on YouTube, and Warner Bros. conveniently put out a playlist with all their free full-length classic films. Included in the playlist is the Dungeons ...
Just one thing—this movie is not real. Segovia yearned the film into being, crafting a script, storyboarding imagery, even creating a fake director in an attempt to locate queer comfort in the ...
More than 9% of American adults now identify as LGBT as of 2024, a new poll released Thursday found. The number of adults reporting to be “something other than heterosexual” has risen from 7.6 ...
The main comparison for most viewers will be “Final Destination,” but those films were arguably more hopeful, believe it or not, featuring characters who strived for and often found a way to cheat ...