Alabama this weekend is marking the 60th anniversary of a key event in the civil rights movement, when voting rights marchers ...
Bahraini authorities abuse and threaten children detained in connection with protests and other forms of political expression ...
The press has long documented violence and helped secure justice. Black journalists have been essential in this work.
Balart, a Cuban-American Republican politician who defended immigrants and fiercely opposed Fidel Castro’s regime to help ...
After reading Kevin Lake’s March 4 guest column [“Misinformation, personal attacks, have no place in Northampton debate”], I ...
Scientists rallied nationwide last Friday in opposition to the Trump administration’s sweeping cuts for scientific research ...
Longtime educator and author Barbara Hilyer has a new children's book out that examines the life of Heléne Hale, a fixture in ...
This is a great post from Mike Masnick about why Techdirt is writing more or less full-time about the Trump regime’s attack ...
These local elections will be the first held since a new state law took effect tightening voter ID requirements.
Nearly 500 people gathered Tuesday to take part in a national event by “50-50-1,” a grassroots movement organized by ...
Illinois leaders fighting against President Donald Trump could jeopardize federal resources that are needed for our citizens.
Hundreds of people took part in another anti-Trump protest at the state capitol Tuesday.  The rally was part of “Light for ...