Cal Fire added over 1.2 million acres in Central California to its fire hazard severity zones. New maps for Southern ...
The new fire hazard severity zone maps issued by Cal Fire this week are part of a two-month statewide rollout.
Cal Fire released its new fire hazard severity maps, including for Sacramento, detailing which areas are at high risk of ...
Cal Fire's updated Fire Hazard Severity Zones map adds 1.4 million acres across the state to the High and Very High fire ...
State officials have released a third batch of maps showing fire hazards in California's Bay Area and the state's northern ...
Carey said she would rather take care of it now before more rain comes and the grass grows even higher. Plus, she says the activity of mowing her yard is good outdoor exercise. CAL FIRE has a list of ...
A powerful atmospheric river storm is pounding parts of California with torrential rain, strong winds and snow and leading to ...
Spring in Central California is expected to be cool and wet with storms arriving in March and early April, according to David ...
Cal Fire added more than 360,000 acres in coastal Northern California to its fire hazard zones where heightened fire safety ...
"Fire can travel through that a lot faster, and it produces a lot of heat that sometimes we can be close to," said Fresno County CAL FIRE spokesman, Gary Couch. Grass is fuel to flames. Couch said ...
In the aftermath of the January wildfires, the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection is fast-tracking wildfire ...
The next phase of updated California Fire Hazard Severity Zones is set to be released Monday by the Office of the State Fire Marshal and Cal Fire. New maps rating the likelihood and severity of ...