Whales do more than just swim the seas—they power the ocean's ecosystem. By transporting nutrients from deep waters to the ...
The name is also a nod to whale’s father and the high-pitched songs that have led these mammals to be dubbed the “canaries of ...
The choppy gray waters of the Hudson Bay are numbingly cold in the days before the season’s first snow in the Canadian Arctic ...
If they add graceful, charismatic and supple to the description, they are probably talking about a beluga whale. I remember ... but they do so with near-human facial expressions and big, imploring ...
Human languages follow a surprising law: the most frequent word is used twice as often as the second, three times as often as the third, and so on. This regularity, called Zipf's law, has just been ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Humpback whales traditionally migrate to Hawaii during the winter months to escape the Alaska’s freezing waters and mate in warmer Hawaiian waters. Around March ...
If they add graceful, charismatic and supple to the description, they are probably talking about a beluga whale. I remember ... but they do so with near-human facial expressions and big, imploring ...
Bird flu is here to stay. The H5N1 avian influenza is proliferating among U.S. cows and there are now two strains circulating among mammals and birds. Though there are only 68 confirmed cases in ...
While some archerfish were able to recognize computer-generated images of human faces in a series of laboratory experiments, there is not a lot of scientific evidence about how well fish can ...
Whale attacks on humans are extremely rare in Chilean waters. It's also not possible for a whale to swallow something as large as a human, which is why the kayaker was spat out. While humpbacks ...
But it seems that the whale was just curious and meant no harm to the humans. On being asked by the anchor if he realized the gravity of the situation in those moments where he was. Adriane says ...