The loser, should he survive, would be deemed unfit to work as a slave labourer and shot on the spot, or taken to a gas chamber or crematorium ... a coal mine north of Auschwitz, and miraculously ...
Recent documents released by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) have suggested a Polish prisoner of war in Auschwitz happily did the dirty work of the camp’s guards. It is the latest worrying ...
Portrait With Maus Mask, 1989. At many points in his life Art Spiegelman has tried to escape his family’s past—and who can blame him? His parent ...
"Auschwitz was a laboratory for killing people ... led a large group of fellow survivors and relatives to one of the crematoria blown up by the Nazis before they fled. German historian Susanne ...
Wednesday was a sad day for academic freedom and for freedom of speech in Australia. People will lose their jobs for ...
why wasn't the entire camp destroyed or at least the crematoria or rail infrastructure that brought thousands of new victims to Auschwitz? British RAF Marshal Arthur Harris and the American War ...
Could the structure of Dachau's architecture, the linearity and symmetry, the pathways, guard towers, barracks, crematoria, murmuring tourists and shuffling feet speak of a past now visibly concealed?
Höss was captured by the Allies, testified at the Nuremberg Trials to Nazi leaders, and was then tried by the Poles and sentenced to death: he was hanged in 1947, in front of the crematorium at ...
Academic reveals disturbing details showing local police guided a Nazi professor to find Caithness travellers in 1938 and ...
A Nazi doctor, along with the Sonderkommando, Jews who are forced to work in the crematoria of Auschwitz against their fellow Jews, find themselves in a moral gray zone.
Cyprus’ first crematorium is now expected to open in the summer of 2026, the Golden Leaves Cyprus Crematorium announced on Thursday. While the land has been cleared, construction has yet to ...
About 800 responses have been sent to a consultation about plans for a new crematorium, local planners said. West Northamptonshire Council wants to build the Wantage Park facility next to a school ...