PARTON: (Singing) I'm begging of you please don't ... locks of auburn hair was inspired by two different redheads. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: One was a young girl - maybe 8 years old - who asked for ...
ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: One was a young girl - maybe 8 years old ... (SOUNDBITE OF SONG, "JOLENE") PARTON: (Singing) I'm begging of you please don't take my man. SUMMERS: Dolly Parton has announced that ...
Taking place Thursday through Sunday, Beatles on the Beach will pay tribute to the music and cultural significance of the Fab ...
PARTON: (Singing) I'm begging of you please don't take my man ... And the woman with flaming locks of auburn hair was inspired by two different redheads. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: One was a young girl - ...