As a safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, Homer Simpson is the primary breadwinner of his household.
The Simpsons started out as a show focusing on Bart, but somewhere along the way, the series pivoted its focus onto Homer.
Bart and the Bengals, Homer and the Cowboys Headline Presentation with Classic Simpson Characters and Humor With Springfield's Atoms Stadium as the setting, The Simpsons Funday Football will be a ...
The best memes, perhaps, were all of the references to everyone’s favorite 35-year television mainstay, The Simpsons. It famously takes place in Springfield, though the state is never specified.
It’s a shame that “The Past and the Furious” is a bit hard to find as it’s a great episode of The Simpsons. Imagining an alternate reality version of Springfield where plants have been ...
The beloved cartoon, "The Simpsons," has long been speculated to be based on some other Springfield. But in fact, the real Springfield is modeled after Springfield, Oregon, the show's creator Matt ...
The Simpsons‘ “The Past and the Furious” imagines a version of Springfield where all plants have been wiped out thanks to Mr. Burns’ expanding corporate reach. When Lisa gets depressed at ...
Saturday, fans can head back to Wings Event Center for Springfield Night, a night paying homage to "The Simpsons." The first 1,000 fans to come to the game can expect to receive a K-Wings donut ...