A rainstorm expected to arrive Wednesday may mark the start of a soggy March. More wet weather is expected next week.
A storm soaking the state on Wednesday and Thursday is bringing new danger to the area hit by wildfires earlier this year.
The Los Angeles region is bracing for a series of potential thunderstorms and heavy snowfall this week, according to the ...
Southern California emerged from weeks of unprecedented fires, winds and smoke Monday to rain-covered streets, puddles on sidewalks and snow-capped mountains ... to keep Los Angeles' fire season ...
A low-pressure system remains over the Southern California region bringing rain and snow on Thursday with some gusty winds, forecasters say. Although the National Weather Service said rainfall rates ...
As of Tuesday, downtown ... for Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties' mountain ranges. The warning, which will last from 7 p.m. Wednesday to 7 a.m. Friday, says snow accumulations ...