A sperm whale stranded on Cuttyhunk Island over the weekend, adding to alarming whale death toll since December. Here's what ...
Blue whales are not only big ... but they're also the biggest toothed predators. They can be found everywhere from the equator to the icy edges of the Arctic and Antarctic, and reach lengths ...
Sperm whales are the largest of the toothed whales. Albinism is a rare trait in the whales, which are typically gray in color. First mate Owen Chase wrote later how he saw the whale “appear with ...
Whales are weird. The Cetacea clade contains the largest animal to ever live—the blue whale—as well as other gigantic baleen whales and a diverse array of toothed whales, including dolphins, porpoises ...
The sperm whale is the largest toothed predator on the planet and the master of the open ocean. The aim of the Blue Planet II team was to capture an intimate family portrait of sperm whales ...
A new immersive art installation highlights the effects humans have on ocean ecosystems, and whales in particular.