These unhappy, land-hungry Colonists clamored for expansion, instigating a series of wars against both the French and Spanish empires for control of the northeastern half of the continent, culminating ...
A 4.5 magnitude earthquake struck Monday morning near the Orcas Island in northern Washington state. The temblor occurred at about 5 a.m. and was centered near the Washington-Canada border, about 18 ...
WASHINGTON — Canada is waiting to see whether U.S. President Donald Trump follows through on his threat to impose ...
An earthquake​ struck northwest of Seattle, Washington,​ near the U.S.-Canada border early Monday morning, officials said.
Canadian officials are undertaking a “full court press” in Washington this week to avert 25% tariffs on most Canadian goods ...
Although data shows U.S. border agents find very little fentanyl coming from the north, Canada is trying to put enforcement ...
The 25% tariff on most imported Canadian goods that President Donald Trump’s plans to impose Tuesday has touched off a range ...
Earthquakes Canada said the 4.1 magnitude quake on Monday morning was centred around 17 kilometres from Friday Harbour in ...